Tuesday, February 14, 2017

“Healthy” Foods that Just Aren’t Healthy

All of us want to strive to be as healthy as we can be, whether it’s taking on an exercise regimen, eating right or doing our best to get a good night’s sleep. But did you know that some foods on the market that most of us think of as “healthy” are quite simply not? In your quest to become as healthy as possible, take note of these foods that you should probably avoid.

  • Most breakfast cereals. It’s quick, it’s easy, and all you have to do is pour milk over it. But is it the healthiest breakfast choice? No. Anything with high-fructose corn syrup should be avoided, and (most) breakfast cereals fall firmly in this category. A better option? Fresh fruit, homemade or steel oat oatmeal or muesli.

  • Fruit juice. Can you spot where they get you? Yes, the word “fruit.” Fruit juices are really just fructose juice, and fructose is, of course, sugar. This fructose might be natural and from the actual fruit, or from high fructose corn syrup, either way, when you drink fruit juice, you’re drinking a bounty of sugar. A great alternative? Eat a piece of fresh fruit and drink some water!

  • Bottled water. Most people think bottled water is a healthier option to tap water, but this just isn’t the case. Only 30-40% of bottled water brands are regulated by the FDA, leaving a large portion of the market untested. Phthalate from the plastic can leech into the water. Phthalate is a cancer-causing agent. Try installing a good filter on your kitchen tap instead.

  • Microwave popcorn. A substance called Perfluorooctanoic acid (also known as PFOA) is used in microwave popcorn bags. When heated, this chemical leeches into the popcorn. It’s been connected to several health problems. What’s better than microwave popcorn? Stove top popcorn! It’s more fun and definitely healthier. Instead of regular vegetable oil, try using coconut oil for a light, fluffy alternative.

For the past 20 years, Always Best Care has been providing superior, compassionate care to seniors all over the United States and Canada. Seniors living in the Fallston area, who are interested in receiving detailed information about in-home senior care in Bel Air, or in-home senior care in Aberdeen, are invited to call the Always Best Care Fallston location at 410-877-3787 to set up a free care consultation.

Seniors: A Good Night’s Sleep Can Improve Your Overall Health & Well-Being

Is there a cure all for most of what ails us? There could be. And it could be as simple as a good night’s sleep! In today’s society, sleep is entirely underrated. People are getting less and less sleep in this fast-paced world that is always “on.” But, to achieve superior health, great sleep is crucial. Why is it so important for seniors? As people age, they become more prone to a lower immune system, are more susceptible to various diseases, and are at a greater risk of injury (like falls). A good night’s sleep boosts all of those risks to healthier levels.

How Seniors Can Sleep More Soundly
  • Control your stress. Let’s face it; stress is one of the main reasons why people don’t sleep well. Worrying about something chases sleep away, and when it does come, it isn’t restful. Look into mindful meditation, Yoga, Tai-chi, water aerobics or walking, and nature walks. Finding a creative outlet is also a great stress-reliever.

  • Exercise on a regular basis. When you move your body, you’re strengthening muscles and bones, building coordination, and getting tired. Working out will allow you to fall asleep more quickly, and stay asleep during the night.

  • Be aware of your liquid intake near bedtime. If you have a history of waking up in the middle of the night (some of us multiple times!) to use the bathroom, try not to drink anything one to two hours before bedtime.

  • Make the bedroom a sleep palace. Consider removing the television from your bedroom. Make sure your bed is as comfortable as you like it with the right pillows and blankets for you, black-out window treatments and a sound machine if necessary. Also be sure to keep the temperature at a level that is comfortable for you to sleep in.
Always Best Care has been North America’s premier senior caregiver for the past 20 years. Seniors living in the Fallston area are invited to call the Always Best Care Fallston location at 410-877-3787 if they have any questions regarding in-home care in Baltimore County, or any other questions regarding home care assistance in Baltimore County. Call and set up a free care consultation today, they look forward to hearing from you!